Livestock Live Talks principles
From ilriseminars ilriwikis
Livestock Live Talks are 'a regular series of seminars to ‘increase awareness of ILRI staff and partners of research topics of importance to ILRI, including the wider research context, and to provide a space and platform for conversations’.
These seminars are NOT just for ILRI staff but for a wider audience interested in livestock issues, involving both scientists, support staff, development practitioners etc. They should therefore be worded in a clear and engaging manner, not just for a very specialized scientific audience.
They should be seminars follow certain principles so that they:
- Matter for ILRI as a whole
- Relate to (& re-use) ILRI work
- But are not just about ILRI’s work
- Could raise or change our game
- Engage thought leaders on the issue
- Involve a presenter that has a proven ability to speak in public
- Possibly address a topical issue in a very timely manner
- Are ideally controversial or lead to debate