Team meeting 20130312

From ilriseminars ilriwikis

Present: Angeline Nekesa, Ewen Le Borgne, Susan MacMillan, Tezira Lore. Back to overview of team meeting minutes


  • Next seminar: IPMS seminar
  • Upcoming Seminars:

See list.

  • AOB

Action points:

  • [DONE] Ewen to follow up with Peter and Terry on the VIP list - and keep everyone posted [TO DO]
  • [DONE ] Ewen will circulate a reminder about the survey and process results with Angela [TO DO]
  • [DONE] Ewen to update checklist to emphasise the need to have demonstrably good speakers, and to use sans-serif fonts size 36 to 40.
  • Angela will brief us on the seminar with Rob Burnett to get all information about font size etc.
  • Tezira will contact Jane about Klaus to see if potentially he would be interested in running a seminar in August or in addition to another month. [Jane is still following up with Klaus; no response as yet. ^TL]
  • Grace / Hillary and ICT team in Addis will discuss options and report about it to all of us

Discussion minutes

Next team meeting: Tuesday 4 April, 11am-12pm.

Looking at last meeting's minutes... Jane published on the PLE blog and Paul will publish a different one on the ILRI news blog (and link to Jane's post + presentation). Terry needs to take control of the contact management list and link up with Abeba (so that she can extract information from there) - Ewen to follow up with Peter and Terry - and keep everyone posted. Vish Nene: no enthusiastic reaction to organise a seminar - but could happen in November. Ewen will circulate a reminder about the survey and process results with Angela. Next team meeting, we discuss this. Susan watched the last seminar by video - the speaker was quiet and memorable. That time it was not such a memorable performance. We need to have demonstrably good speakers. Ewen to update checklist to pick up on this. Grace checked the font size: 36-40, white text on black background. Any font will work (sans-serif preferably). Update checklist with this. Grace briefed the IT team in Addis about the use of web streaming. We may settle on WebEx for Addis-based seminars. We need to make sure we collect the web recording and list it on the same place as the other web streamed seminars. Technically it should be possible to add the link to the WebEx recording. Grace / Hillary and ICT team in Addis will discuss options and report about it to all of us.

Next seminar

IPMS seminar with focus on:

  1. The IPMS commodity development approach
  2. How did IPMS implement the Agricultural Research for Development (AR4D) approach in a research setting?
  3. Achievements and lessons

Ewen is leading this and working with the IPMS team on it.

Other upcoming seminars ( see list of planned & tentative seminars)


Angela will brief us on the seminar with Rob Burnett to get all information about font size etc.


Innovation systems. Some comms team members might be away during that week in relation with CGIAR-CO hosted meetings. This seminar will precede the Agricultural Innovation Systems forum run by Prolinnova, Jolisaa etc.


Dairy hubs in East Africa: Lessons from EADD project (confirmed) Tezira will contact Jane about Klaus to see if potentially he would be interested in running a seminar in August or in addition to another month.