Team meeting 20130808
From ilriseminars ilriwikis
Present: Angela Nekesa, Ewen Le Borgne, Silvia Silvestri, Susan MacMillan, Tadelle Dessie, Tezira Lore, Vish Nene. Back to overview of team meeting minutes
- Next seminar: Klaus Butterbach Wahl (14 Aug)
What remains to be done? What is planned in terms of the session itself (interaction)?
- Upcoming seminars:
Christie Peacock (4/5 Sept.) - who can get involved about this? First seminar organised by other team (December): who follows up closely?
Information about the new cycle once and for all, in line with the post drafted before...
Action points:
- x
Discussion minutes
Next team meeting: Friday ?? August, 2-3pm.
Next seminar
Other upcoming seminars ( see list of planned & tentative seminars)
September 2013
December 2013
Full skype minutes
- d